Saturday, October 29, 2011

Simpsons Collecting

Hi there folks. Been a few days since I last updated- been busy with organic chemistry xP

Anyway, I love the Simpsons! Maybe you could tell from the pictures.... :D Simpsons stuff is more of a passive collection; I don't actively go out and buy Simpsons things, such as on the internet, but if I see something I like at a flea market, I buy it! Hence, most of the stuff I have I bought at the flea market for a few dollars (including the World of Simpsons figures seen MIP (mint in package) on my wall!). The only thing that I collect actively regarding Simpsons is the seasons as I own the regular versions of seasons 1-5, collector's version of every season from 6-13 (14 comes out in December (:) as well as the 20th Anniversary edition of Season 20. Overall, I'm always looking for more Simpsons stuff (especially World of Simpsons figures) and it's a series I love to collect very much :D

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Little Tikes Toddle Tots

Today I want to talk about another toy that I collect: Little Tikes Toddle Tots. I owned these toys since I was very young and they are very durable. I wish that they made children toys like this today U_U

So, how did I begin collecting them? Well, I began collecting them last year when my mom and I were cleaning the closet and came across the Mountain play set with the train and the helicopter as seen on the right here. Well, since then, I've been buying them whenever I've found them at the flea market and I even bought a few online. Currently, I posses a house, two firetrucks, three buses, a regular truck, a construction truck, a four wheeler type vehicle and even a playground with all the original pieces!

My two year old nephew loves playing with these too, so every time he's over, he goes up stairs and plays with them ( which makes the toys happy since they get to get played with some more- Thanks Toy Story 3! (; ) I also have painted a few of them as well because I had so many brown haired boys with blue pants so I painted some different colors like purple and red/yellow ( I will post pics sometime in the future). Overall, I really enjoy finding these at the flea market although it can be hard because they're becoming harder and harder to find and the ebay prices just keep going up. Overall though, my future goal with these guys is to just collect enough of them to build a little town with all of them living happily (: Really, what more in life can you ask for?

Stay tuned to my channel for more toy goodness.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Toy Story Collecting

The images shown here are my toy story collection.. Up on the top is some loose stuff I have such as Buzz Lightyears, Burger King toys, stuffed animals, etc. The middle picture is the regular Toy Story 3 Mattel line which has produced some very nice figures! The bottom picture is the core of the collection and my pride and joy: The Toy Story Collection line. Currently, this comprises all of Wave 1 and Wave 2 except for RC (which I have but is not pictured) and Utility Belt Buzz ( which is too damn expensive to buy on the second hand market!). Toy Story Collection Wave 3 has been released but only in the UK by Vivid Imaginations; it contains Mr. Pricklepants, Dolly and Buttercup and I want them sooooo badly! :( Come to America soon!

I only starting collecting Toy Story about 18 months ago when I saw the Toy Story Collection and I loved it! I am a huge fan of the Toy Story Collection and the production values are very high. In fact the prices on them going up! On the second hand market, Bullseye is worth about 90 dollars and Rex is shooting at around 175!! Crazy stuff for toys marketed at 50 bucks each.

Regardless, I will have to take new pictures because I have adds not seen here including the full new Toy Story To Infinity and Beyond Line, another loose buzz lightyear and everyone's favorite Mr. Mike! (:

Stay tuned, folks!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Flea Market 10/23/11

Well, today I only bought one thing at the flea market unfortunately :'( It's getting colder and those deals are getting harder to find! Regardless, I did find what I consider a pretty suh-weet deal! I got a Little Tikes dollhouse as seen here. It was only five bucks since it had no figures. Now you may be thinking.... What is a guy gonna go do with a dollhouse, especially one with no figures? Well, I'm going to change it's purpose. Iound an awesome add for my Little Tikes Toddle Tots collection (: (If you don't know what a toddle tot is, look at the firetruck at the top of the page). I only own one little house for Toddle Tots and I have a bunch of them, so some of them will be spending their time hanging out here!

However, there is one thing I want to bring up about this Toddle Tots house.... it required a lot of elbow grease to look good! The thing was very dirty and very gross and I even passed it up the first time I walked by it. Then, I thought that it would be an awesome add and with a little elbow grease, I'm glad I bought it.

Perhaps in my next post I'll talk about what I own for each collection and why I collect them. Stay tuned (:

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A bit of info about me

On your right here is a a corner of my room at home. While I'm not at college, this is where I spend all of my time. As you can see, I have a very odd taste.... I'm not you're typical 19 year old college student, and I love it!!!

So, that brings up the question: why do I collect toys? Well, there's two main reasons:
1. I love the thrill of the hunt. I go to my local flea market every Sunday morning and I just hunt to see what cool toys I can find that week!
2. I love just being in the presence of toys. When I'm in my room, it's basically akin to Ra's Al Ghul's Lazarus Pit... it reinvigorates me and recharges me. I feel very content when I'm in my room. Plus, we all need a place to go to just relax and have a good time (:

What is the purpose of this blog? Well, one: to talk about toys! I found that there's very few toy blogs out there that have interests similar to mine, so I want a place where I can talk about toys all I want! Secondly, I want to post my finds from the flea market every week so I can remember the wonderful good deals I got! Thirdly.... Because I can :D

Well, I hope you all enjoy reading my blog, and remember: Life is short so do what you love!