Sunday, October 23, 2011

Flea Market 10/23/11

Well, today I only bought one thing at the flea market unfortunately :'( It's getting colder and those deals are getting harder to find! Regardless, I did find what I consider a pretty suh-weet deal! I got a Little Tikes dollhouse as seen here. It was only five bucks since it had no figures. Now you may be thinking.... What is a guy gonna go do with a dollhouse, especially one with no figures? Well, I'm going to change it's purpose. Iound an awesome add for my Little Tikes Toddle Tots collection (: (If you don't know what a toddle tot is, look at the firetruck at the top of the page). I only own one little house for Toddle Tots and I have a bunch of them, so some of them will be spending their time hanging out here!

However, there is one thing I want to bring up about this Toddle Tots house.... it required a lot of elbow grease to look good! The thing was very dirty and very gross and I even passed it up the first time I walked by it. Then, I thought that it would be an awesome add and with a little elbow grease, I'm glad I bought it.

Perhaps in my next post I'll talk about what I own for each collection and why I collect them. Stay tuned (:

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